北島 地区


北島 専門学校一覧

 私立専門学校 ビジネス I.T. ホスピタリティ 調理 旅行観光業 医療
農業 ワイン その他
Aspire 2 International
ICL Graduate Business School
Auckland Institute of Studies (AIS)
Crown Institute of Studies
International Travel College (ITC)        
Kauri Academy          
New Zealand Institute of Sports                
New Zealand Language Centre (NZLC)            
New Zealand Management Academies (NZMA)
New Zealand School of Food and Wine      
New Zealand School of Tourism (NZST)        
New Zealand Tertiary College (NZTC)        
The Culinary Collective
Pacific International Hotel Management School    
Yoobee Colleges        

語学・専門学校マップ – オークランド


Whtireia/ WelTec / Te Pūkenga- New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology

専門留学 Whtireia/ WelTec / Te Pūkenga- New Zealand Institu [...]

New Zealand Tertiary College (NZTC)

専門留学 New Zealand Tertiary College (NZTC) ニュージーランドターシャリー [...]

The Culinary Collective

専門留学 The Culinary Collective カリナリコレクティブ 種類 ホスピタリティー、クッキ [...]

Waikato Institute of Technology (Wintec) – Te Pūkenga- New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology

専門留学 Waikato Institute of Technology (Wintec) - Te Pūke [...]

Unitec Institute of Technology – Te Pūkenga- New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology

専門留学 Unitec Institute of Technology - Te Pūkenga- New Z [...]

Universal College of Learning (UCOL) – Te Pūkenga- New Zealand Institute of Skills and Technology

専門留学 Universal College of Learning (UCOL) - Te Pūkenga- [...]

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